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"Welcome to Shreyvee Global, your one-stop destination for the finest Alphonso and Rajapuri mangoes!."


Alphonso Mango, often referred to as the "King of Mangoes," is a premium and celebrated mango variety with a reputation for its exceptional taste and aroma. Originating in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India, Alphonso mangoes are sought after for their unique sweet and creamy flesh, vibrant saffron-orange color, and floral fragrance. The flesh is smooth, non-fibrous, and melts in the mouth, offering an unparalleled sensory experience. Alphonso mangoes have a short harvest season, typically from April to June, and are highly prized in culinary creations, used to make luscious mango desserts, ice creams, shakes, and purees. This delectable mango variety has earned worldwide acclaim, with connoisseurs eagerly anticipating its arrival each year to savor the unrivaled taste of Alphonso mangoes.

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Rajapuri Mango, a revered variety of mango, is known for its large size, rich flavor, and sweet taste. Grown predominantly in the state of Gujarat, India, the Rajapuri mango is easily recognizable by its distinctive oval shape and golden-yellow skin with a slight blush of red. The flesh of the Rajapuri mango is smooth, creamy, and nearly fiberless, making it a delight to eat. Its juicy and aromatic pulp carries a delightful balance of sweetness and tanginess, which sets it apart as a preferred choice for both eating fresh and making delectable mango-based dishes. With its exceptional taste and impressive size, Rajapuri mango has gained popularity not only in India but also in various international markets, becoming a much-anticipated treat during the mango season.



